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Happy Watercolor News!

I was SO excited to learn that my painting "Diana's Patio" got juried into the American Watercolor Society's online show and it really put some wind in my sails to paint something I might eventually put in a competition.

So yesterday, here is what I painted (which is not done yet) Picking a good reference is 75% of the battle - in this reference he's well lit, meaning half of his face is in shadow and he's in 3/4 view (not in profile, not looking straight at the camera) which enhances even more the 3d look. The background almost hands me on a platter my Rembrandt edges, can you already see where they will be? (Reference below) I've been playing with the idea of using little pops of Opera here and there and also making this painting a lot about value, contrast, and Rembrandt Edges. I'm also slowly but surely getting more done on the Chipmunk, Daisies, etc so I'll have a lot more to share soon!

This is my son Parker when he was one.

I have uploaded an hour of my first session so email me at rachel6parker at gmail if you'd like to see it! Or message me through Facebook or my website, whichever is easiest for you!

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